Friday, 4 April 2008

Alexander Library Oxford

I'm now in Oxford, based in the Alexander Library doing literature review. What this means is i spend an average of 8 hours everyday searching through online journals for things i need for my research. Fun huh?

The library is amazing!! Online resources are so complete and they have journals that i have never even heard of all these years!! So i am thoroughly enjoying myself sitting in the library alone reading..crazy huh? i think so too..

Presented my research project to Prof. Ben Sheldon, Director of EGI yesterday. Am quite pleased that he thinks it's a good piece of work. That's a good morale booster. I know i am vain ba..

will upload all the photos from Cambridge and Oxford one of these days..


Unknown said...

Dear BB,

It looks like u r having a " Ball "! Looking forward to your return so we can have a first hand narrative on what we can learn from Oxford on "How we can better management of our natural resource and specifically our conservation initiatives etc etc.

BB said...

Hi Aliham

Do try looking at the conservation evidence website. It's full of good tested ideas of conservation. i've learned so much this trip on real life conservation especially on illegal wildlife trading. One of the deledates went undercover to expose illegal trading of bear gall bladder in India..